Submission of Shell Scripts or Commands
The UNIX command hostname returns the name of a node. The simplest way to execute a shell script or command is illustrated in the following example that returns the name of the executing node:
sbatch --wrap "hostname"In case of your own shell script you have to add the execution path, like in ./
If you script is a bit more complicated than that, you may collect your shell commands in a file, t.ex., and add certain SBATCH options to it:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -p you_project # select a project or insert # in first column #SBATCH -t 0:20 # 20 seconds should be enough #SBATCH --mail-type=END # want a mail notification at end of job #SBATCH -J jobname # name of the job #SBATCH -o jobname.%j.out # Output: %j expands to jobid #SBATCH -e jobname.%j.err # Error: %j expands to jobid #SBATCH -C XEON_SP_6126 # selects only nodes of that type #SBATCH -n 1 # single task HOST=`hostname` echo "This is an example for a batch script. Slurm scheduled it on node $HOST" echo "I am interested of all environment variables Slurm adds:" env | grep -i slurm
This shell script may then be submitted: