Related Software

Slurm source can be downloaded from

Note that the following related software is not written or maintained by SchedMD. Some of the software is required for certain functionality (e.g. MySQL or MariaDB are required to use slurmdbd) while other software was written to provide additional functionality for users or administrators.

  • Authentication plugins identifies the user originating a message.
  • Authentication tools for users that work with Slurm.
    • AUKS
      AUKS is an utility designed to ease Kerberos V credential support addition to non-interactive applications, like batch systems (Slurm, LSF, Torque, etc.). It includes a plugin for the Slurm workload manager. AUKS is not used as an authentication plugin by the Slurm code itself, but provides a mechanism for the application to manage Kerberos V credentials.
  • Databases can be used to store accounting information. See our Accounting web page for more information.

  • DRMAA (Distributed Resource Management Application API)
    PSNC DRMAA for Slurm is an implementation of Open Grid Forum DRMAA 1.0 (Distributed Resource Management Application API) specification for submission and control of jobs to Slurm. Using DRMAA, grid applications builders, portal developers and ISVs can use the same high-level API to link their software with different cluster/resource management systems.

    There is a variant of PSNC DRMAA providing support for Slurm's --cluster option available from

    Perl 6 DRMAA bindings are available from

  • Hardware topology
    • Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc)
    • NOTE: If you build Slurm or any MPI stack component with hwloc, note that versions 2.5.0 through 2.7.0 (inclusive) of hwloc have a bug that pushes an untouchable value into the environ array, causing a segfault when accessing it. It is advisable to build with hwloc version 2.7.1 or later.
    • Used by slurmd and PMIx client to get hardware topology information.
  • Hostlist
    A Python program used for manipulation of Slurm hostlists including functions such as intersection and difference. Download the code from:

    Lua bindings for hostlist functions are also available here:
    NOTE: The Lua hostlist functions do not support the bracketed numeric ranges anywhere except at the end of the name (i.e. "tux[0001-0100]" and "rack[0-3]_blade[0-63]" are not supported).

  • MPI versions supported
  • Command wrappers
    There is a wrapper for Maui/Moab's showq command here.

  • Scripting interfaces
    • A Perl interface is included in the Slurm distribution in the contribs/perlapi directory and packaged in the perlapi RPM.
    • PySlurm is a Python/Cython module to interface with Slurm. There is also a Python module to expand and collect hostlist expressions available here.

  • SPANK Plugins
    SPANK provides a very generic interface for stackable plug-ins which may be used to dynamically modify the job launch code in Slurm. SPANK plugins may be built without access to Slurm source code. They need only be compiled against Slurm‘s spank.h header file, added to the SPANK config file plugstack.conf, and they will be loaded at runtime during the next job launch. Thus, the SPANK infrastructure provides administrators and other developers a low cost, low effort ability to dynamically modify the runtime behavior of Slurm job launch. Additional documentation can be found here.

  • Node Health Check
    Probably the most comprehensive and lightweight health check tool out there is LBNL Node Health Check. It has integration with Slurm as well as Torque resource managers.

  • Accounting Tools
    • UBMoD is a web based tool for displaying accounting data from various resource managers. It aggregates the accounting data from sacct into a MySQL data warehouse and provide a front end web interface for browsing the data. For more information, see the UDMod home page and source code.
    • XDMoD (XD Metrics on Demand) is an NSF-funded open source tool designed to audit and facilitate the utilization of the XSEDE cyberinfrastructure by providing a wide range of metrics on XSEDE resources, including resource utilization, resource performance, and impact on scholarship and research.

  • STUBL (Slurm Tools and UBiLities)
    STUBL is a collection of supplemental tools and utility scripts for Slurm.
    STUBL home page.

  • pestat
    Prints a consolidated compute node status line, with one line per node including a list of jobs.
    Home page

  • Graphical Sdiag
    The sdiag utility is a diagnostic tool that maintains statistics on Slurm's scheduling performance. You can run sdiag periodically or as you modify Slurm's configuration. However if you want a historical view of these statistics, you could save them in a time-series database and graph them over time as performed with this tool:

  • JSON

    Some Slurm plugins (slurmrestd, burst_buffer/datawarp, burst_buffer/lua, jobcomp/elasticsearch, and jobcomp/kafka) parse and/or serialize JSON format data. These plugins and slurmrestd are designed to make use of the JSON-C library (>= v1.12.0) for this purpose. Instructions for the build are as follows:

    git clone --depth 1 --single-branch -b json-c-0.15-20200726 json-c
    mkdir json-c-build
    cd json-c-build
    cmake ../json-c
    sudo make install
    Declare the package configuration path before compiling Slurm (example provided for /bin/sh):
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

  • HTTP Parser

    slurmrestd requires libhttp_parser (>= v2.6.0). Instructions for the build are as follows:

    git clone --depth 1 --single-branch -b v2.9.4 http_parser
    cd http_parser
    sudo make install
    Add the following argument when running configure for Slurm:

  • YAML Parser

    slurmrestd and commands that recognize a --yaml flag will be able to parse YAML if libyaml (>= v0.2.5) is present. Instructions for the build are as follows:

    git clone --depth 1 --single-branch -b 0.2.5 libyaml
    cd libyaml
    sudo make install
    Add the following argument when running configure for Slurm:

  • JWT library

    JWT authentication requires libjwt (>= v1.10.0). Instructions for the build are as follows:

    git clone --depth 1 --single-branch -b v1.12.0 libjwt
    cd libjwt
    autoreconf --force --install
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
    make -j
    sudo make install
    Add the following argument when running configure for Slurm:

Last modified 13 March 2024